Dog accessories

How to Know When to Use Dog Shoes?

Dog boots always remain questionable because many question their desirability. Dog paws are not magical and do not serve as a barrier between the outside world and a dog’s foot. They are protected only because of their leathery thick skin and fatty inner layer that consists of shock absorbing abilities too.

Requirement for dog shoes also depends upon how much time your dog spends outdoors in winter or summer. Because dog paws are always found to be sensitive to extreme cold, extreme heat and other sharp particles like sticks or ice shards while hiking or roaming around.

Photo by Sam Lion on

How can you choose the best dog shoes?

To choose the best dog shoes you need to take care of few particulars as mentioned below:

  • The sole material you are using should be textured and possess a good grip for the traction.
  • Always choose the water that are made up of water-resistant material or water-proof
  • Always look for a pair having adjustable velcro straps
  • Sole required should be flexible allowing your dog to walk naturally.
  • Many dogs do not like to wear boots or shoes. Always prepare them by allowing them to walk at home in their shoes even for a short period of time. Just to get used to them.
  • Always look for manufacturers guidelines for the size to measure before you place your order.

Let’s dig deep to know more about dog boots:

Durability of dog boots: The durability of any dog boots will depend upon their activity on terrain they are performing. Depending upon the same the dog shoes can last for over a dozen times but can be less is used just for running in the park. Dog owners should take care of their nails and always file them before they tend to wear their new boots or shoes.

Flexibility: The dog boots worn are most of the time found to be quite flexible and allow them to feel the ground. It helps them in creating stability and confidence in them. It is a fun experience for them. As per the owners dog, going outside with their shoes so be ready to be excited and do not be shocked if you see them pulling your socks for the boots while running outside.

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